Meet Our Speaker
Dr. Tom Clark., DC, RVT, RMSK
President – MSKUS

Founder of MSKUS, is an internationally-recognized musculoskeletal ultrasound practitioner, anatomy expert, author and educator with over 30 years experience in the medical industry. He is a Musculoskeletal Sonologist and registered vascular technologist. He conducts regional workshops & On-Site Trainings in the United States & internationally to teach Ultrasound and Needle Guidance. He has authored dozens of publications on medical ultrasound along with traveling internationally to present and lecture. He has recently traveled to India, Spain, Hong Kong, Germany, Australia, Italy & Dubai as an invited speaker & faculty member for Ultrasound related conferences.
His passion for musculoskeletal sonoanatomy has led him to author dozens of publications on medical ultrasound including:
– Handbook of Diagnostic Ultrasound©
– Handbook of Ultrasound-Guided Injections©
– Spine Handbook: Sonoanatomy and Ultrasound-Guided Injections
– Ultrasound Guided Hydrodissection
– Blue Book of Diagnostic Ultrasound
– Basics of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Needle Guidance
– Sonography of the Normal Greater Occipital Nerve and Obliquus Capitis Inferior Muscle
– Greater Occipital Nerve Block – Extra-Foraminal Sonoanatomy
and various technical papers.