The New Jersey Journal of Clinical Medicine View All Lipoma Arborescens of Knee – A Systematic Review of LiteratureBy Mithun R, Ariz M, Ellis JSOUPerman’s Elbow: Ultrasound-guided Lidocaine Trigger Point Injection as Treatment for Anconeus Compartment SyndromeBy Tollin N, Stitik T, Myers K, Liu SDiagnosing TKA-related popliteus impingement using ultrasound and tendon sheath local anesthetic injectionBy Myers K, Stitik T, Liu S, Tollin N, Lefkowitz TDiagnosing Symptomatic Axillary Ulnar Neuroma using Ultrasound-guided local anesthetic injectionBy Liu S, Stitik T, Myers K, Tollin N View All Running out of time: When Earthquakes and Jaw Claudication Align A Case Report of Ultrasound and Giant Cell ArteritisBy Abotsi E, Barukzai T, Swaid T, Rivera J, Stitik TUber driver tendinopathy: Iliotibial Band High Volume Hydrodissection for the treatment of Proximal Iliotibial Band Syndrome – A Case ReportBy Rivera J, Swaid T, Barukzai T, Abotsi E, Stitik TP Musculoskeletal ultrasound as an alternative method to diagnose scapular winging and the serratus anterior plane block as a potential treatment – A Case ReportBy Swaid T, Rivera J, Abotsi E, Barukzai T, Stitik TP View All Modification of Shoulder Injection Procedure to Mitigate Complications of Vasovagal Syncope- A Case ReportBy Malik MH, Stitik TP, Choudhary A, Cesare J, Kailath SUse of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and EMG in the diagnosis of Traumatic Joint Injury Muscle Atrophy in an Athlete Status-Post ACL RepairBy Kailath S, Stitik T, Nweke N, Cesare J, Choudhary A, Malik MBilateral Lower Limb Fasciculations and Pain of Unknown Etiology- A Case ReportBy Malik MH, Stitik TP, Choudhary A, Cesare J, Kailath SLidocaine Induced SVT after Trapezius Trigger Point injection – A Case ReportBy Choudhary AR, Stitik TP, Malik MH, Cesare JA, Kailath S Interested in joining us as a member of the New Jersey Society? JOIN NJSPMR
SOUPerman’s Elbow: Ultrasound-guided Lidocaine Trigger Point Injection as Treatment for Anconeus Compartment SyndromeBy Tollin N, Stitik T, Myers K, Liu S
Diagnosing TKA-related popliteus impingement using ultrasound and tendon sheath local anesthetic injectionBy Myers K, Stitik T, Liu S, Tollin N, Lefkowitz T
Diagnosing Symptomatic Axillary Ulnar Neuroma using Ultrasound-guided local anesthetic injectionBy Liu S, Stitik T, Myers K, Tollin N
Running out of time: When Earthquakes and Jaw Claudication Align A Case Report of Ultrasound and Giant Cell ArteritisBy Abotsi E, Barukzai T, Swaid T, Rivera J, Stitik T
Uber driver tendinopathy: Iliotibial Band High Volume Hydrodissection for the treatment of Proximal Iliotibial Band Syndrome – A Case ReportBy Rivera J, Swaid T, Barukzai T, Abotsi E, Stitik TP
Musculoskeletal ultrasound as an alternative method to diagnose scapular winging and the serratus anterior plane block as a potential treatment – A Case ReportBy Swaid T, Rivera J, Abotsi E, Barukzai T, Stitik TP
Modification of Shoulder Injection Procedure to Mitigate Complications of Vasovagal Syncope- A Case ReportBy Malik MH, Stitik TP, Choudhary A, Cesare J, Kailath S
Use of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and EMG in the diagnosis of Traumatic Joint Injury Muscle Atrophy in an Athlete Status-Post ACL RepairBy Kailath S, Stitik T, Nweke N, Cesare J, Choudhary A, Malik M
Bilateral Lower Limb Fasciculations and Pain of Unknown Etiology- A Case ReportBy Malik MH, Stitik TP, Choudhary A, Cesare J, Kailath S
Lidocaine Induced SVT after Trapezius Trigger Point injection – A Case ReportBy Choudhary AR, Stitik TP, Malik MH, Cesare JA, Kailath S