Workshop Overview:
The following Ultrasound Diagnostics and Injection Procedures Webinar will review the foot/ankle region. The webinar will be a combination of didactic material specific to these injection procedures, actual videotaped examples of injection procedures (many of which are picture-in picture – show the probe/patient/physician positioning in one picture and the actual real time ultrasound image in the other picture) and a simulated demonstration on a scanning model of the injection procedure set ups. Time will be provided for question and answer including repeat demonstration of an injection set up. The participant will receive a certificate of participation. Specific structures are listed below:
Injections covered but not limited to:
Foot/Ankle: Identify IA ankle; extensor tendons; talonavicular joint; 1st MTP joint; ATFL PRP; Subtalar joint; Peroneal tendons; cuboid tunnel; Sinus tarsi; Tib-Fib ligament; Peroneal nerve at “knife edge” and crural fascia; Sural nerve; Posterior tibial tendon; Tarsal tunnel; Calcaneal branch tibial nerve; Tibial nerve block; Baxter’s nerve; Achilles tendon; Retrocalcaneal bursa; FHL tendon; Plantar fascia; Plantar fibroma; Heel pad; Knot of Henry; Intersection Syndrome; Morton’s neuroma; Intermetatarsal bursa; Plantar plate
Meet Our Speaker
Todd P. Stitik, MD, RMSK and President – New Jersey Society of PM&R

Todd Stitik is a Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. His primary clinical interests include musculoskeletal ultrasound, osteoarthritis and image-guided injection procedures.
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